February 27 - March 1, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Registration form

Scope of the company*
The contact person*
Bank details
Stand area (sqm)*
Type of exhibition area*
Stand configuration (Stands are completed due to countries-participants zones, individual offers are also discussed)*

Comments and suggestions on the stand location
Protection from automated form filling
Please type in the symbols shown in the image above*

* - required fields

1. Organization and timetable of the trade fair

The applicant acknowledges Expotour Ltd hereinafter referred to as the organizer, as the contractual partner. The organizer reserves the right to change the opening date and duration of the fair contrary to the dates fixed in the original offer of participation without entitling the exhibitor to cancel the contract or to claim compensation from the organizer.

2. Registration and admission

Registration is subject to recognition of the conditions of participation and must be completed by filling in the exhibitor?s contract upon receipt. The contract becomes legally binding when it is properly filled in, signed and returned to the organizer. Applications or orders for particular services will only be accepted if submitted on the appropriate forms. Registrations which are made subject to certain conditions and reservations can only be accepted, if they are explicitly confirmed by the organizer. Preferences for certain exhibition sites will be taken into consideration as far as possible. Demands to exclude competitors cannot be accommodated. It may occur that an exhibition site is booked out before the end of registration already. In such an event, the contract would not come into existence. The organizer has the right to modify reserved and confirmed exhibition sites or reject an application without the need to state reasons for such a decision. The organizer shall notify the exhibitor of such a modification in time. The exhibitor can only take over his/her allocated booth once all sums due, also from other earlier events, have been paid. The organizer can use booth area that has not been claimed by the exhibitor or his/her representative at latest one day prior to the trade fair opening date at his/her discretion without the exhibitor being entitled to any reimbursement or daim.
The exhibitors undertake to comply with all building and safety regulations as well as with all legal rules and regulations.

3. Costs of participation and terms of payment

Payment of participation fees charged by the organizer must be effected in due time and in full into the organizer?s account indicated on the invoice. Payment must be made in cash or by transfer order, bills of exchange are not accepted. The right to occupy a fair stand is ensured only when all terms and deadlines of payments mentioned in the contract have been met. In the event of delayed payment, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the contract. In case of delayed payment, a penal interest of 13% shall apply p.a. as of due date plus Euro 8.- per reminder. Dunning and encashment charges for the collection of sums due to the organizer by the exhibitor through third parties shall basically be payable by the exhibitor.

4. Withdrawal, complaints

Withdrawal from the exhibitor contract (registration) must be effected in writing and by registered mail. The following cancellation fees have to be paid by the exhibitor: ? 50% of participation fees upon notification up to 1 month before the opening date of the fair; ? 100% of participation fees upon notification less than 1 month before the opening.
The obligation to pay these cancellation fees remains regardless of the fact whether the organizer can pass the stand on to someone else or not. The exhibitor engages to demonstrably report any defects to the organizer immediately or at latest upon the trade fair?s end and to give the organizer the opportunity to remedy them, otherwise he/she forfeits all legal claims.

5. Assembly of stand (including setting up and dismantling)

The assembly of exhibited goods must not be started before the appointed time. All wrapping materials must be removed. Unless it is an island stand, exhibitors planning to add additional floors to their booths must dispose of the written approval of their neighboring booths. The exhibitor engages to immediately fulfill all the safety regulations prescribed by the representatives of the Building and Fire Departments and the representatives of other authorities at his/her own cost. Dismantling work may begin only after the fair has ended. Dismantling may begin only after the closing date of the fair. The responsibility for assembly and disassembly lies with the exhibitor. If the relevant deadlines are not observed, the organizer can arrange to have the stand cleared and the exhibited goods stored away at the expense of the exhibitor. It is also the exhibitor?s duty to hand back rented sites and objects in their original condition. All expenses, also for cleaning and repairs will be charged to the exhibitor.

6. Catalogue entry

Every exhibitor is obliged to enter his firm (including co- and sub-renters where applicable) in the fair catalogue. Minimum registration as indicated on the catalogue form will be effected in any case, even without the exhibitor?s explicit instruction.

7. Co-exhibitors and joint stands

Sub-renting, transfer of exhibition sites and all advertising activities-by means of printed or audio-visual media-for firms other than of the official stand holder are subject to the express agreement of the organizer. Each co-exhibitor must bear the costs stipulated for co-exhibitors and for the obligatory entry into the fair catalogue, as described in the corresponding forms. Co-exhibitors are defined as all firms exhibiting jointly with an official stand holder. The main exhibitor is liable to the organizer for any expenses caused by himself or by co-exhibitors. The organizer reserves the right to cancel a contract without notice and to dear an exhibition site at the expense of the exhibitor, if the latter takes in co-exhibitors without prior permission. The stand holder has no right to claim compensation for damages.

8. Insurance and liability

Providing insurance coverage for all exhibition goods and all appliances, equipment, transport risks etc. before, during or after the event against all risks whatsoever is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. In no way shall the organizer be held responsible for loss or damage of exhibited goods, or booth equipment introduced or left behind by the exhibitor. Likewise, the organizer shall not be held responsible for incidents of force majors. The organizer is not required to take out any insurance! The organizer shall in no way be held responsible for the vehicles parked on the fair premises by the exhibitors, their employees, or representatives. The exhibitors shall be held responsible for any damages caused to persons or objects by them, their employees, their representatives, or their exhibits and exhibition installations. The organizer shall be indemnified and saved harmless. During assembly and disassembly the exhibitors shall take special care to ensure the safety of their goods. At night, valuable and easily movable exhibits must be held under lock and key. The organizer shall not receive any consignments in the exhibitor?s name and can not be held responsible for any losses, or incorrect, or delayed deliveries. The fair?s forwarding agent shall store the exhibitor?s exhibits and packaging material at the exhibitor?s risk. Spending the night in the halls or in the open-air fair area is prohibited. The organizer shall not be held responsible for any economic losses, adverse health effects, or other damages whatsoever, linked to the preparation, realization, or handling of an exhibition sustained by the exhibitor him/herself, his/her employees, or by third parties, for whatever reason. The organizer cannot be held responsible for loss of profits. This disclaimer of liability does not apply to damage caused intentionally or due to gross negligence by the organizer, his/her employees, or representatives. It is incumbent upon the injured party to prove this circumstance. Any claims put forward by the exhibitor shall be made to the organizer immediately and in writing, otherwise they shall be forfeited. No liability shall be accepted for incorrect publicity, entries in the official trade fair catalogue, and/or in any other printed fair material (e.g. printing errors, non-compliance with form, wrong classification, omission, etc.). Should the event be rescheduled, moved to a different site, entirely cancelled, or the fair theme integrated into another event for any reasons whatsoever, the exhibitor is not entitled to any legal claims.

9. Distribution of Advertising material, retail sale, samples

Printed matter and advertising materials may only be distributed within the rented site. Advertising outside the stand is subject to special permission and involves charges. Retail sales profit-making distribution of goods and samples require the approval of the organizer.

10. Safety regulations

The exhibitor must comply with all safety and fire protection rules in the exhibition area and shall be held liable for their violation. In order to prevent violations of safety and fire protection rules during the fair and during assembly and disassembly work, the exhibitor is obliged to follow the instructions of the fair administration in connection with technical safety regulations and to highlight those articles on the list of exhibits which require particular technical safety measures. The exhibitor must provide for reliable protection of exhibits in operation or exhibits featuring moving mechanisms which may put visitors or staff at risk. The exhibitor must notify the organizer of any intention to use gases, inflammable materials, and other dangerous materials. The exhibitor is only allowed to use these upon written approval by the organizer. Should the exhibitor fail to comply with one of the provisions above, the organizer shall be entitled to remove all products from the exhibition stand which do not meet legal requirements or which he may deem dangerous. The exhibitor shall bear all costs for fire-extinguishing material used on his rented area.

11. Transport

Every participant is free to conclude a transport agreement with any hauling agency for transport of goods to the exhibition grounds. However to ensure the best possible coordination at the exhibition venue, a single hauling and logistics agency will be appointed by the organizer and entrusted with the sole responsibility for onsite handling and customs dearance of all exhibition goods entering the Russian Federation. If participants send goods with another hauling agency it is imperative for them to contact the official hauling and logistics agency to provide customs clearance. Organizing and realizing the transport of participant goods to the trade fair venue is not an integral part of this exhibition contract. Instead, the participant shall conclude a hauling agreement with a third party (the official or another hauling agency), on his own behalf and on his own account. The hauling agency contracted shall not be the assistant of the organizer, Expotour Ltd, hence, the latter cannot be held liable for any claims whatsoever arising from transport or late delivery. Offsetting any participant claims against the hauling agency with Expotour daims against the participant is therefore barred without exception.

12. Non-observance of conditions

If the exhibitor does not observe the conditions of participation, the organizer may terminate his contract.

13. End-term and legal venue

With the registration to the participation, the exhibitor accepts these registration clauses legally binding in all parts. Any possible demands by the exhibitor have to be submitted to the organizer in writing on the last exhibition day. Any later submitted demands are considered as forfeited. All fees arising from participation in the event shall be borne by the exhibitor. The place of settlement in respect of all liabilities arising from participation in or attendance of the fair shall be Moscow. The exhibitor and the organizer agree that the present agreement is ruled solely by Russian law. The parties agree with Moscow as the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract.