March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhibition complex «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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Russian Federation
Russian financial conglomerate, the largest universal bank in Russia and Eastern Europe. By the end of 2023, Sberbank will have 108.5 million active private customers and 3.2 million active corporate customers. Among the world's largest banks by asset size
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Russian Federation
BestDoctor - VHI with the most comfortable service on the market. We do not follow the trends of the VHI market, but set them. Together we work on a unique business model at the intersection of three areas - insurance, medicine and technology.
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World of Privileges Bank
Russian Federation
The Bank provides a wide range of services and products for both clients and partners, including the provision of investment and financial services, conducting transactions in financial markets on its own behalf and at its own expense. The Bank can also provide transfers in major world currencies.
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Russian Federation
A universal commercial bank providing all types of banking services and occupying a leading position in financing Russia's agro-industrial complex. We do everything to ensure that urban demand meets farmer supply. For this purpose, we have favorable financial products
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Transport clearing chamber
Russian Federation
The Transport Clearing House (TCH) is the executive body of the Air Transport Settlement System and one of the major suppliers of the aviation content and additional services for airlines and agencies.
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Home and Travel, tour operator
Russian Federation

Exhibition plans

Floor plan will be available later