March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhibition complex «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Guild
Russian Federation
Expert platform for the formation of business social responsibility standards
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Guild of Operators and Developers of Infrastructure Projects
Russian Federation
Development and implementation of infrastructure projects aimed at creating a comfortable urban environment. Organization and holding on a regular basis special events (round tables, etc.) aimed at promoting the experience of the MCCI / guild in the development and implementation of infrastructures
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Kostroma region Agency for Investment and Business Development
Russian Federation
Tourist Information Center of the State Autonomous Institution "Investment and Entrepreneurship Development Agency of the Kostroma region" renders information and consulting services to Kostroma residents and guests of the city as well as to representatives of tourism infra-structure of the region.
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Agency for Tourism and Business Communications of the Rostov Region
Russian Federation
Rostov region offers tourists to give free rein to their feelings! We open to the traveler the whole range of emotions - ancient Cossack villages, gastronomic pleasures and wines of the Don Valley. And also - new industrial tourism: from Semikarakor ceramics to the energy of a peaceful atom
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Tourism Agency of Magadan region
Russian Federation
Ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of tourism on the territory of Magadan Oblast, promotes the development of tourist activity, promotes Magadan Region on the internal and external tourist markets, forms a unified tourist information space in the region
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Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Russian Federation
A Russian autonomous non-profit organisation established by the Russian Government to implement a range of measures in the economic and social spheres. In particular, to promote priority projects, implement measures to improve the business environment in Russia, etc.
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Administration of Vologda
Russian Federation
Evpatoria City Administration of the Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Perm City Administration
Russian Federation
Perm is a major industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals. Its pride is its historical buildings and temples, unique museums and theaters, and, of course, the Permians S. P. Diaghilev, N. G. Slavyanov, and A. S. Popov who made the city famous. P. Diaghilev, N. G. Slavyanov, A. S. Popov
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Administration of the city of Saki, Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Activities of local authorities in the management of issues of a general nature
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Administration of the city of Yalta, Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Every corner of Yalta is an open-air museum. Our city attracts visitors with numerous attractions, museums, architectural monuments and palaces. A sanatorium-resort complex with a developed infrastructure and is ready to receive tourists throughout the year. Welcome to Yalta!
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Administration of Togliatti city district
Russian Federation
Department of International and Interregional Relations of the Togliatti City Administration carries out international and inter-regional cooperation of the city communitiy of Togliatti and co-ordintates projects and programs in the field of development of domestic and inbound tourism.
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Zadonsk municipal district administration
Russian Federation
Tourist information center and tourist postal station "ZADONSKAYA ZEMLYA". On the Zadonsk land, the first phila-guide in Russia with the effect of augmented reality “POSTAL ADVENTURES IN THE ZADONSKAYA LAND” with postal quest routes was created.
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Kamchatka Krai Administration
Russian Federation
Kamchatka Krai is part of the Far Eastern Federal District and occupies the Kamchatka Peninsula with the adjacent mainland, as well as the Commander and Karaginsky Islands. Volcanoes are Kamchatka's calling card
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Administration of the Kirillov Municipal District
Russian Federation
Carries out general management of the regional administrative body, coordinates issues related to the national economic complex
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Administration of the Chukotka Autonomous District
Russian Federation
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. It has the status of an independent subject of the Federation since June 17, 1992. Most of Chukotka is located in the eastern hemisphere, the Chukotka Peninsula in the western hemisphere, and half of its territory is above the Arctic Circle
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Tambov Region Tourism Development Association
Russian Federation
Tambov Region Tourism Development Association - leading public and business tourism organization in the region that consolidates the tourist infrastructure and promotes the region in the domestic and international markets
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National Association of Information-tourist organizations
Russian Federation
One of the main objectives of the Association is the development and promotion of tourism in the regions of Russia. Among the ongoing projects are National Calendar of Events, bonus program, Museum Information Center
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Russian Federation
Association of Tour Operators (ATOR) was established in 2007 in order to protect interests of tour operators' community. ATOR unites approximately 50 leading companies from Russia. In 2009 ATOR became an affiliated member of UNWTO.
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Astrakhan Regional Innovation Center
Russian Federation
The Cluster Development Center supports small and medium-sized businesses. It was established to identify cluster initiatives, to support the coordination of projects of small and medium-sized businesses.
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Bashtursoyuz NPO
Russian Federation
BashTurSoyuz is a union established to carry out activities to represent and protect the common, including professional interests of organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry.
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Bereginya Folk Crafts Center MBUK
Russian Federation
The Folk Crafts Center "Bereginya" of Kargopol was established in 1993 to preserve and develop traditional crafts of Kargopolye. The Center is staffed by honored masters of folk crafts
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VeloRossiya All-Russian Public Movement
Russian Federation
A non-governmental, non-profit organization whose goal is to create a comprehensive infrastructure in Russia to enable the tourist, recreational and transport function of the bicycle and means of individual mobility.
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Russian Federation
VEB.RF is a Russian state development corporation providing financing for social and economic projects
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Bryansk region Department of culture
Russian Federation
The main functions of the department are: formation of a positive image of the Bryansk region as a place favorable for travel and recreation; promotion of a regional tourist product to Russian and foreign markets; preservation of tourist resources of historical and cultural value.
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Department of culture and tourism of Lipetsk administration
Russian Federation
Monitoring of the state and development of culture, art and tourism in the city of Lipetsk. Organization and provision of representation of the city's interests in the issues of culture, art and tourism at the regional, regional, All-Russian and international levels.
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Department for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Development of the Sverdlovsk Region
Russian Federation
It is an executive body of state power of the Sverdlovsk region, ensuring the implementation of the main directions of state policy in the sphere of tourism and tourism activities in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region.
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Exhibition plans

Floor plan will be available later