March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhibition complex «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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SPb Convention Bureau
Russian Federation
The St. Petersburg Convention and Exhibition Bureau was established by a decree of the Government of St. Petersburg in July 2014 as an institute for the development of the meeting industry and business tourism. Our mission is to promote St. Petersburg as a key international congress destination.
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Consulting-Tour LLC
Russian Federation
Organisation of conferences and exhibitions, promotional activities
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N.V. Ignatyev Local History Museum ( Mountain Mari), Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
In honor of the 100th anniversary of N.V. Ignatyev, a Literary and Art Museum was opened on June 10, 1995 in his homeland, in the village of Chalomkino. In the exhibition and exposition halls of the museum there are colorfully decorated stands about poets, writers, scientists and artists
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Kuzhener Museum and Exhibition Center, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The museum was established on November 7, 1990. The museum is represented by several halls: the exhibition hall, the hall "Peasant life to. XIX - n. XX centuries" (ethnographic), the Hall of Glory, the hall dedicated to the special military operation in Ukraine.
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Lepota, shop-museum
Russian Federation
The Museum of Modern Craftsmanship " Lepota kakaya-to/How nice it is" is an art space where history, tradition, timeless fashion and relevance are combined. We represent master craftsmen of Kostroma and the region. About people who live here and now. The museum runs as an exhibition and retail .
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Literary city of Rybinsk, museum
Russian Federation
In 2022 Rybinsk received the honorary status of Literary City of Russia. In 2023, a museum dedicated to its literary history was opened. Lev Oshanin, Alexey Surkov, Mikhail Rapov, and the Zolotarev brothers were born here. Rodion Putyatin, Ivan Aksakov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and lived and worked.
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Mari-Turek Local Lore Museum named after V.P. Mosolov, Republic of Mari-El
Russian Federation
The peculiarity of the museum is that it collects and stores unique material on ethnography, military and labor glory of the district. The purpose of the museum is to study and scientifically document the development of the district, preserve its historical and cultural values
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Medvedevo Historical and Art Museum, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The Historical and Art Museum was established on May 8, 1995 on the eve of the anniversary of the Great Victory. The showcases exhibit archeological items, utensils of the 19th-early 20th centuries, written sources, photographs telling about the history of the region.
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Mezhdurechensk museum
Russian Federation
Museum is a big world, where there is work and rest, holidays and everyday life, and most importantly - good traditions. We are open for everyone: for excursionists and tourists, both organized and solo visitors, for those who are interested in the history of Mezhdurechensk district, who love art
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WORLD UNLIMITED, production of modular houses with renewable energy sources
Russian Federation
Production of modular homes made of cross-laminated CLT wood. No onsite electric or heat, water or sewer is a plus for me. Modules can comfortably accommodate 2-8 people, equal opportunities for families, groups of friends, hobby companies (skiers, climbers, etc.).
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Morki District Museum, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Literary and ethnographic museum named after Mikhail Nikolayevich Yantemir. The museum that popularizes the history and culture of the Mari people.
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Museum of Money, Butterfly and Dragonfly Museum, Kasimov
Russian Federation
The museum Butterflies and Dragonflies. The world's largest collection of brooches in the form of butterflies and dragonflies, as well as paintings, caskets and much more. The Babosiki Money Museum. A collection of more than 2,500 exhibits related to the history and structure of money circulation.
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Museum of the History of Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The museum is located in the old house of the famous Tsarevo-Kokshaisk merchant-logger T.V. Chulkov. The museum exhibits interesting collections of objects of urban life, arts and crafts, archeology and heraldry, as well as artwork, photo documents and much more.
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Yoshkin Cat Museum, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
A museum where you will learn what the land of protected Mari El is famous for. Yoshkin Kot Museum will acquaint you with various gastronomic stories and tell you about the culture of consuming various national dishes and products.
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Novosibirsk Museum
Russian Federation
"Novosibirsk Museum" has eight departments in eight districts of the city. The museum's activities are aimed at working with visitors both inside and outside the museum walls. The museum staff organizes permanent street exhibitions at six sites, and opens 10 exhibitions in the subway every year.
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Museum of Political History
Russian Federation
‘State Museum of Political History of Russia’ The museum has a rich collection of items and documents describing the political history of Russia in the XIX - XXI centuries. The expositions and exhibitions tell about the key moments of Russian history that changed the fate of the country.
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Cheese Museum in Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic
Russian Federation
The Museum of Cheese is a unique place. The only museum in Yoshkar-Ola and the Republic of Mari El dedicated to this amazing product. The museum has a cheese shop where you can buy cheese of your choice, take part in a master class on making ricotta cheese and taste seven(!!!) kinds of cheese.
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Museum of Jewelry Art/IP Polikarpova S.V.
Russian Federation
The thematic museum of the history of Kostroma jewelry from the origins to the present in the architectural monument of the XVIII century: documents, photographs, exhibits, products.
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T. Evseev National Museum, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Permanent exposition: "Life Cycle Rites: Traditional Culture and Life of the Mari People at the Turn of the 19th - 20th Centuries". Exhibitions: - "The National Museum of the RME named after T. Evseev - 100 years"; "The National Museum of the RME. T. Evseev - 100 years"; - "That very museum"
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National Museum of Republic of Tatarstan
Russian Federation
Research and cultural-educational institution, the leading museum center of Tatarstan and one of the largest cultural and historical museums in the Volga region
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New Year's Stories, museum, Rybinsk
Russian Federation
The exposition tells about the types and history of New Year decorations of different years. Real and artificial Christmas trees, figures of Santa Claus, snow maidens and their helpers, Christmas paraphernalia, toys, postcards - all this and much more
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Novotoryalsk District Museum of Local Lore, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Novotoryalsk District Museum of Local Lore celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019. To date, the museum has 6 halls, their expositions are constantly updated as new exhibits arrive.
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Orshanka Museum Association, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Historical and Local History Museum Complex includes the Museum of Peasant Labor and Life, the Museum of Military Glory named after N.P. Motovilov, the House-Museum of the classic Mari playwright Y.P. Mayorov-Shketan. N.P. Motovilov Museum of Military Glory, House-Museum of the classic Mari playwrig
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Russian Federation
OTDYKH Leisure is the main start of the fall-winter season of the travel industry in Russia. It is the only business event of this scale for outbound, inbound and domestic tourism. OTDYKH Leisure has consistently been held in annually for 29 years and brings together over 10,000 professionals
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Peter the Great Aquatory
Russian Federation
Petrovskaya Akvatoria - is the first large historical scale model in Russia at a scale of 1 in 87, 500 square meters in area, opened in September, 2014. Permanent exhibition represents reconstruction of the most significant sights of St. Petersburg and suburbs
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Republican Museum of Fine Arts, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Today the museum's exhibition activity is built as a system of permanent exposition "Mari tӱs" ("Mari color") and temporary exhibitions. The priority direction in the museum's exhibition activities is the promotion of Mari artists' creativity.
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Russian-Belarusian Tourist Congress
The congress highlights cooperation in tourism and discussion of the current situation in the tourism business. Particular attention is paid to proposals for further development of the tourism industry of the two countries. The congress feature tour operators, hotels, online systems in tourism etc.
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Russia is a land of opportunity
Russian Federation
"Russia - the Land of Opportunities" - an autonomous non-profit organization was established on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 22, 2018. The platform unites 26 contests, projects and Olympiads, each of which has its own audience and offers different paths to success.
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Russian Samovar Museum, Kasimov Bell Museum
Russian Federation
The Russian Samovar Museum presents more than 350 samovars of various shapes and sizes: from tiny for one person to huge tavern, from ancient to modern, from beautiful to unique. And each with its own story. The museum also presents cast icons, porcelain, and objects of Russian everyday life
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Sverdlovsk regional Museum of local lore named after O. E. Kler
Russian Federation
Sverdlovsk regional Museum (SOKM) named after O. E. Kler (Sverdlovsk Regional Museum) is the largest Museum Association in the Urals. The date of birth of the Museum is considered to be December 29, 1870 (January 10, 1871).
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Exhibition plans

Floor plan will be available later