March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhibition complex «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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Russian Convention Bureau
Russian Federation
Russian Convention Bureau was established in November 2017 with the support of the Russian Government. The main goal is to develop the local event industry and its efficient integration into the world meetings industry.
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Museum of Ceramics, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The Gosha Strelnikov Museum of Ceramics and the "House of the Sun" studio is a unique platform for children and adults wishing to join a fascinating craft. Currently, the museum and the studio work in such areas as pottery, painting on ceramics and stained glass, batik, making dishes and ceramic
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Russian Federation is Russia's first independent developer of audio guides for Moscow, St. Petersburg, world cities and museums. Founded in 2006.
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Keeper of Grains showroom, coffee shop
Russian Federation
Keeper Of Grains has been on the market for sixteen years. The main direction of market promotion is the production of freshly roasted coffee for connoisseurs of this wonderful beverage.
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Profi.Travel, mediaholding
Russian Federation
Profi.Travel is a Media holding in the tourism industry, with 25 years experience in Russia and the CIS. Specializes in digital promotion of tourism opportunities of countries, regions, and companies. Develops marketing projects in B2B- and B2C segments, tourism analytics and marketing research.
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BelExpo is the largest exhibition company in the Republic of Belarus. It organizes more than 40% of all exhibitions held in the Republic of Belarus scheduled in the National Calendar.
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Volzhsk Museum of Local Lore, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The Volga Museum of Local Lore was founded on July 15, 1980. Today the museum is located in the most beautiful building of the city. There is an exhibition hall and 5 exposition halls.
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R&C Market Research Company Exhibition and Research Center
Russian Federation
Market research, consultancy services for companies and organisations in the meetings industry, educational services, etc. Event announcements. Research results.
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Gniezdovo Historical, Archaeological and Natural Museum-Reserve
Russian Federation
The Gniezdovo archaeological complex is located on both banks of the Dnieper, 12 km west of Smolensk. Its main feature is the abundance of Old Russian burial mounds. he territory of the Gniezdovo archaeological complex is ~440 hectares, of which more than 120 is the total area of all its sites
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Russian Federation
The Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov is widely known in Russia and abroad as a unique monument of Russian culture, Cossack history and the Don nature.
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Mari El Republic Palace of Youth
Russian Federation
State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Youth Palace" is a space for the growth of creative, intellectual and professional potential of young people in various areas of activity in an atmosphere of mutual respect and freedom
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Denezhnik Museum of the History of Money
Russian Federation
In our museum you will be able to see: 1) Collections of coins and banknotes, which were used back in Ancient Russia and up to the present time; 2) History of Smolensk on the example of coins and banknotes. The peculiarity of our museum is that buying a ticket, you get a fascinating excursion
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Sigson family home
Russian Federation
The Sigson family house is one of the monuments of wooden architecture of Rybinsk, which is being restored on the pure enthusiasm of the city volunteers through excursions, photo sessions, charity concerts and so on.
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Dulevo Cultural and Leisure Center
Russian Federation
The Dulyovsky Palace of Culture was built in 1930 under the project of the outstanding Soviet architect Konstantin Melnikov for the workers of the Dulov porcelain factory named after Pravda newspaper. The building of the Palace of Culture is an architectural monument of the Soviet avant-garde
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Jewish Museum and Center of tolerance
Russian Federation
The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center is dedicated to the history of Russian Jewry; it’s highly interactive. The museum also hosts exhibitions of modern and contemporary art. The public program consists of lectures, discussions and conferences held by the Tolerance Center and the Children Center.
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Russian Federation
The Yegoryevsky Historical and Art Museum is rightfully considered the main attraction of the city. The collection presents the best examples of art objects made of glass, ceramics, metal, fabric, bone, wood of the XVII - XX centuries. The exposition is full of fascinating interactive exhibits.
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Sheremetev Castle, Mari El
Russian Federation
Sheremetev estate has a large park area. Exquisite architecture and decoration of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel. Now the estate is restored, some of the premises are transferred to the hotel complex. Excursions to the main house of the Sheremetevs' Castle, the manor house, the church.
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Zarechny Kvartal 1840 Museum
Russian Federation
We invite you to visit the everyday life of pre-revolutionary Vologda and Vologda Province! You will visit a traditional city manor of the mid-19th century and feel the atmosphere of a bygone time.
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Zvenigovo District Museum of Local Lore, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Zvenigov District Museum of Local Lore is one of the youngest museums of the Republic of Mari El, which opened its doors on September 16, 1998 in order to preserve and develop the historical and cultural heritage of the Zvenigov district.
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Znanie Russian Society
Russian Federation
The Russian Znanie Society unites everyone who cares about education and development! Every year we hold hundreds of events for young people across Russia: we organize thousands of speeches by outstanding people from the spheres of culture, art, science, history, hold scientific battles, contests.
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Russian Federation
“Rivers. Cruises. Routes" is a series of regular business events held in the interests of the Russian river cruise industry. “Rivers. Cruises. Routes" is exclusive b2b communication platforms that serve a place for effective business networking.
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Kasimov Courtyard Art Cafe, Lebedev Gallery, Vyrkovskiy Craft Museum
Russian Federation
Art cafe "Kasimovskiy dvorik". Russian and European cuisine. The Museum of Thieves' Craft presents a visual study of the craft and shows the world's largest collection of pottery products. Vyrkovo and Vyrkovsky toys. Lebedev Gallery - works by Kasimov Lebedev artists.
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Kilemary District Museum of Local Lore, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Kilemar District Museum of Local Lore was established in 1999. The museum exposition consists of 4 departments: historical, nature, trades and crafts, ethnography. The main collection has 3,960 items, the scientific and auxiliary collection - 3,153.
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Kirillo-Belozersky Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
Russian Federation
Kirillo-Belozersky museum is a pearle of the Russian North. It was organized at the territory of the largiest monastery. The museum includes the ensemble of Ferapontov monastery which us famous by the frescoes of Dionisius (1502). At the present time the museum is a famous tourist center.
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Kozmodemyansk Cultural and Historical Museum Complex, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The museum complex was created for the purpose of: collecting, storing and revealing museum items and museum collections, publishing museum items and museum collections; Implementation of research and educational activities.
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Collections From and To, Interactive Museum Environment
Russian Federation
The interactive museum space unites collectors of Kasimov city and Kasimov district on its platform. Master classes and meetings of collectors are regularly held here, where you can find like-minded people or exchange exhibits.
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N.V. Ignatyev Local History Museum ( Mountain Mari), Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
In honor of the 100th anniversary of N.V. Ignatyev, a Literary and Art Museum was opened on June 10, 1995 in his homeland, in the village of Chalomkino. In the exhibition and exposition halls of the museum there are colorfully decorated stands about poets, writers, scientists and artists
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Kuzhener Museum and Exhibition Center, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The museum was established on November 7, 1990. The museum is represented by several halls: the exhibition hall, the hall "Peasant life to. XIX - n. XX centuries" (ethnographic), the Hall of Glory, the hall dedicated to the special military operation in Ukraine.
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Lepota, shop-museum
Russian Federation
The Museum of Modern Craftsmanship " Lepota kakaya-to/How nice it is" is an art space where history, tradition, timeless fashion and relevance are combined. We represent master craftsmen of Kostroma and the region. About people who live here and now. The museum runs as an exhibition and retail .
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Exhibition plans

Floor plan will be available later