March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhibition complex «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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Cherry Folk music ensemble
Russian Federation
Central People's Hall of Zubtsovsk district, Tver region
Chaplygin multi-profile complex cultural-leisure center
Russian Federation
Activities in development of cultural-historical heritage of the region in the sphere of culture and tourism. - the organization of festivals and event tourism, such as "Ranenburg feast " -opening of new tourist objects - informing about the activities in the field of tourism.
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Shikhobalovsky rural house of culture
Russian Federation
Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs
Russian Federation
MGIMO runs 112 programmes in 18 fields, includes 13 faculties, the Gorchakov Lyceum and a college. 53 foreign languages are taught at MGIMO (Guinness record). It has 27 international network programmes and network programmes with Russian universities: MIPT, MISIS, MSU, RSUFK, RSUNG, KubGAU, etc.
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Russian Federation
Leading mobile operator in Russia More than 76 million subscribers More than 20 years on the market More than 30,000 employees
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Medvedevo Historical and Art Museum, Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
The Historical and Art Museum was established on May 8, 1995 on the eve of the anniversary of the Great Victory. The showcases exhibit archeological items, utensils of the 19th-early 20th centuries, written sources, photographs telling about the history of the region.
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Bear land (Oniks Ltd)
Russian Federation
Travel-Russia Media Community
Russian Federation
The Travel-Russia media community unites journalists and bloggers who love traveling in Russia and are ready to share their experiences, observations and emotions with readers, using all the possibilities of information technology. Our goal is to develop tourism and promote the regions of Russia.
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Media Tour, Russian National Tourist Award
Russian Federation
The All-Russian competition of journalists and bloggers "MediaTour" has been held since 2017. The main goal of the competition is to develop the direction of travel journalism and blogging and to promote the promotion of inbound and domestic tourism in Russia.
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RTN Media Holding
Russian Federation
- Comprehensive promotion and media support of businesses, regions, projects. - Conducting industry research in tourism and hospitality. - Organization of expert, informational and promotional tours, FamTrip in the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as their media coverage.
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Honey hill country complex, Kava, recreation camp
Russian Federation
Medovaya rosa/Honey dew
Russian Federation
Торговля розничная сувенирами, изделиями народных художественных промыслов
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Medproftsentr, Tarnair health center
Russian Federation
The health resort "Tarnair" is one of the best multidisciplinary resorts of Dagestan. It is located in the center of Makhachkala in a 15-minute walk from the coast. It offers a range of treatments, pleasant and healthy for body. The building is located within walking distance from the minera source
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International A.A. Ostapts-Sveshnikov Academy of children and youth tourism and regional study
Russian Federation
The scientific activity of the Academy is aimed at developing cooperation between scientists and practitioners of children's and youth tourism and local history in order to unite their interests and further apply the acquired knowledge and experience, improving the work in tourism.
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MART Academy
Russian Federation
The International Academy for Travel Industry Development (ITID) is a project-based organisation providing a range of consultancy and educational services in the field of the impression economy, specialising in consultancy programmes and acceleration sessions.
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Voronezh International Airport
Russian Federation
We invite our passengers to buy cheap tickets at the international airport "Voronezh" or "Chertovitskoye" as it is remembered under the old name. It officially became the firstairport in the region Chernozemie that received the international status in 1995.
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Russian Federation
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:259:"«Evroport» - carries out its main activities for 13 years based on regular flights of the airline «Ural Airlines», carried out in Russia and CIS countries. The flagship direction is the Czech Republic. 10 offices in Russia and 2 offices in the Czech Republic.";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}
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International Center for Responsible Tourism
Russian Federation
International Center for Responsible Tourism (Russia and CIS) was created in October 2015 in order to reserve nature, culture and history, traditions of Russian regions
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Russian Federation
The main activities of the International Center for Wine and Gastronomy (IEC) are the organization of events to improve the overall culture of wine and gastronomy, as well as the development and implementation of projects in the field of gastronomic tourism in the regions of the Russian Federation
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Mezhdurechensk museum
Russian Federation
Museum is a big world, where there is work and rest, holidays and everyday life, and most importantly - good traditions. We are open for everyone: for excursionists and tourists, both organized and solo visitors, for those who are interested in the history of Mezhdurechensk district, who love art
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Interdisciplinary Institute for Human Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation Community
Russian Federation
The aim is to encourage traumatized people to find their own way out of a traumatic situation and to find their own way out of it.To create the preconditions for restoring ties between the person and society that have been broken by trauma and for his or her adaptation and integration into socium
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Intersettlement House of Folk Art and Crafts, Gorokhovets, Vladimir region
Russian Federation
The main focus activity of the Intersettlement House of Folk Art is work with craftsmen and craftsmen of the Gorokhovets district, other districts and regions. As a result of this work, various almost forgotten technological methods of folk crafts are being revived.
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State Literary-Memorial Museum-Reserve of AP Chekhov «Melikhovo»
Russian Federation
Chekhov's Melikhovo is one of the best pages of history of Russian literature.
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Memorial House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Bolshevo
Russian Federation
A unique museum that keeps the memory of the poet plight . The museum exposition occupies the entire space of the memorial house and consists of a terrace, the poet's room, in which the original parquet has been preserved, her husband's room, a kitchen, a living room, a room for the Klepnin family
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Meridian Congress Hotel
Russian Federation
The Meridian Congress Hotel is located in the heart of Murmansk. Choose any type of accommodation - standard rooms, wedding and presidential suites. Researchers of the Russian north are impressed by the unique Arctic Suites with views of the Kola Bay.
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Meridian Express Holidays
Russian Federation
Travel with a reliable and knowledgeable travel companion – Baltson_kavkaz. The company specializes in reception and service in the regions and republics of the Caucasus.
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Meridian, Kemerovo region
Russian Federation
Touroperator of domestic and international inсoming tours. Siberia sightseeing tours and excursions/ Children tours. Adventure tours and activiities. Guides and interpreters. Transportaion.
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Meridian, touroperator
Russian Federation
Local and international tourism; social tourism; sightseeing and beach holidays; recreation and leisure on the best resorts; group tours for children and young people; ski tours and SPA resorts; honeymoon trip; gastronomic tours; medical tourism; sale of air tickets and visas
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Merkit Fortress LLC
Russian Federation
The Merkit Fortress Eco-Park is one of the main attractions of the Republic of Buryatia. Here you can visit the relict "Apricot Grove", the magnificent Tugnui pillars, caves that the Merkits used in battles with Genghis Khan's army. You will be met at the Tourist Complex.
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Exhibition plans

Floor plan will be available later